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Periods as a professional dancer...

By Aimee Casey

So heres the thing, periods as a whole aren't researched or talked about enough, but I feel that in dance the topic is heavily avoided. Especially the aspect of the conversation talking about how it affects our ability to do our jobs as professional dancers.

Some key facts about periods to start us off:

  • Gentle excercise is proven to help with period cramps and help improve your mood, as well as being a good distraction from feeling unwell.

  • Everybody's periods are different, and it is important to note that some peoples periods are exceptionally difficult due to conditions such as PCOS and Endometriosis as well as PMDD.

  • Periods are natural and healthy and should be something you want your body to have, this is something that sadly the dance industry as well as other industries/ society creates a stigma around.

  • Periods cause significant hormone changes within the body meaning a number of side effects occur making a work/dance environment a challenge.

  • Periods help regulate your health including your hormones, bone health,thyroid function, healthy weight maintenance and adrenal function.

How can periods present challenges in the dance industry?

Due to increased fatigue (which is a common symptom of periods) it is important for dancers to be kind to themselves on their period as fatigue dramatically increases the risk of injury.

Ways of combating this issue are are warming up slowly and properly to ensure the body is properly warm before dancing/ exercising to minimise the risk of injury, taking it easy when rehearsing/ doing class and taking regular breaks to refuel, hydrate and rest.

There is often a stigma around dancers 'taking it easy'however the mindset is essential in looking after your body duing this time- and actually has your dance careers best interest in mind!

Dealing with periods can be exceptionally challenging especially when you add intensive training/ long hours and wearing revealing leotards/tights/ costumes into the mix. Leaking through leotards is a common occurence and isnt embarassing at all! Although understandably it's something we want to try to avoid, so wearing extra protection and wearing darker colours for leotards/ tights helps.

Many dancers have unfortunately experienced leaking during rehearsals, shows, and ballet class due to how revealing ballet clothes often are- this is ehy being as prepared as possible is helful in avaoiding that scenario. Be sure to pack extra leotards, tights and sanitary products.

You may also find that duo to hormonal changes excercise is more challenging taht other times during the month! Be kind to yourself, its okay and its comletely natural your body is doing its best to support you through this time so make!

Coping Mechanisms:

Whilst having my fair share of challenges in ballet with regards to periods as well as chatting to my friends I have found some helpful things along the way...

  • Wearing black tights & darker coloured leotards (LITERALLY A MUST HAHA)

  • Be sure to keep hydrated and fuelled (more than usual)

  • Take pain relief when needed as well as using hot water bottles (there as some that you can wear during class) I find that my first and second days are the hardest so I take some pain relief in advance of going to class etc, but do what is right for you!

  • Periodise your training (pardon the pun) organising your strength and dance training around your cycle has been for me persoanlly the most helpful thing I have done for my body. Reduce the amount you do at this time as your body is working twice as hard as usual!

In my opinion educating ourselves and our friends around topics that are challenging or taboo is a great way to make things easier and create change.

Here are some common symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) & Periods:

  • mood swings

  • Feeling upset, anxious or irritable

  • Tiredness or trouble sleeping

  • Bloating or tummy pain

  • Breast tenderness

  • Headaches

  • Spotty skin

  • Greasy hair

  • Changes in appetite and sex drive

Less common symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) & Periods:

  • Nausea

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Feeling overwhelmed and out of control

  • Muscle fatigue

  • Loss/ increase/ change in appetite

  • Prolonged bleeding

  • Vomiting

Please note this list barely covers the amount of symptoms that exist!

Some helful tips...

  • Alwaysssss pack sanitary products in your bag (even when your not due your period)

  • Try different variations of products to find whats best for you.

  • Wear multiple sanitary products at a time.

  • Tell someone you are feeling unwell. Ask if you can keep warm ups or shorts on for extra comfort and protection.

  • Ask for products for colleagues, peers/ teachers.

  • Dark chocolate has magnesium that helps with cramps.

  • Be kind to your body & mind.

  • Be self aware- you are likely to be more sensitive emotionally so a dance environment can be hard.

  • Dealing with coaching and corrections can be more difficult when your are enotionally and physically more drained so bare that in mind.

  • Heat packs/ hot water bottles are ESSENTIAL and are a massive help.

  • Keep track of your cycle as well as your cravings, things that increse/ descrease your fatigue levels and methods that help you individually.

Apologies for the amount of lists if you coudln't tell by now its a rather large topic!

Obviously everything is always a work in progress and it takes time and converations, reserach and experiences to make a change but there are a few things that I really feel need to happen/ change in the dance industry surrounding periods.

There needs to be more understanding from individuals in positions of power- particularly surrounding additional rest for dancers on their periods, and expectations being altered for dancers when they are bleeding. As well as womens health in general.

The stigma around feeling embarassed to say you feel unwell. How you feel on your period is valid and you should feel comfortable to express that. It does not make you weak, it means you are taking care of yourself in order to do your best.

I perosnally feel we need to normalise keeping on more layers of clothing & warm ups on especially shorts. When I chat to my friends about it they often also express that this would make them feel more comfortable in a dance work enviroment.

And of course NORMALISE THE TOPIC OF PERIODS the more we talk about them the better understanding we will all have!

To summarise...

Being a dancer and having periods is a tough scenario due to the lack of understanding and educatio around them causing a stigma about looking after yourself on your period. But with the right support working in the dance industry is more than possible for all!

Remember to support each other!

Thank you for reading x


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